
We appraise antique, newly made and art quilts for insurance, donation or market value (resale, estate and divorce).


  • Given to estimate age, determine possible use and care of the quilt.
  • Range of dollar values is given.


  • Given for insurance, donation, or market value (resale, divorce or estate situations).
  • History of the quilt from owner is recorded.
  • Quilt is examined in detail for fabric, style, color, pattern, size, quality of construction, quilting description and condition.
  • The written appraisal with a photo embedded and care and use guidelines are mailed to owner within two or three weeks to allow us time for needed research.

Private Clients

Written appraisals or verbal consultations can be accomplished by scheduling an appointment at Dee’s studio. Call or email for a specific time.


Appraisals Days/Evenings

We appraise antique, newly made and art quilts. Our appraisals are confidential so scheduling an appointment of 20 minutes (one for each quilt) is advised. If there is more than one quilt per owner, we need only 10 minutes per quilt. We can do written appraisals or verbal consultations. Transportation fees are charged at the current federal mileage rates.

Appraisal Days/Evenings – For Your Income

Same as above except the charge to your customer is increased to create income for you.

  • Verbal consultation – add $2-3 per quilt.
  • Written appraisals – add $5 per quilt.
“Against all Odds”
Vicky Pignatelli